John Pilger Was a Tireless Critic of Western Imperialism
The reporter John Pilger, who died at the end of 2023, showed what a life committed to attacking the powerful through journalism and taking the side of the oppressed looks like.
John Rees is a cofounder of the Stop the War Coalition and a visiting research fellow at Goldsmiths, University of London.
The reporter John Pilger, who died at the end of 2023, showed what a life committed to attacking the powerful through journalism and taking the side of the oppressed looks like.
As Israel wages war on the Palestinian people, Western media outlets have not delivered the sharp analysis that the situation demands. We badly need the kind of critical reporting that WikiLeaks supplied on the crimes of the “war on terror.”
Sycophantic journalists and politicians make it seem as if deference to the British monarchy is the natural order of things. But the country over which Charles III now reigns rose up against his 17th-century namesake to challenge hereditary privilege.
Julian Assange’s defeat of extradition to the United States was a huge victory — one that couldn’t have been achieved without a public pressure campaign. That same public pressure will now be needed to free Assange from prison.