From Margins to Mainstream
The making of the modern Republican Party.
Issue No. 24 | Winter 2017
Nixon’s real crimes are not the petty ones of bribery and corruption which his fellow capitalists so hypocritically accuse him of. Our movement to dump Nixon must expose his real crimes against the people of Indochina, the Arab peoples and the people of Chile as well as the working and oppressed people here in the U.S. While these are not on Time Magazine’s or Senator Kennedy’s list of Nixon’s crimes, they must be added to our indictment of the Nixon government and the imperialist interests which he represents.
The making of the modern Republican Party.
Few states better illustrate the contradictions and failures of the Democratic Party than West Virginia.
Trump’s victory signals a deep crisis of neoliberalism.
We must organize around ideas that give people something to fight for, not just something to fight against.
You can’t fight Herrenvolk populism with weak-tea liberalism.
What kind of economic agenda does Trump have in store for workers?
It wasn’t just bad math that led us to believe Trump would be defeated. It was a lack of political vision.
The new GOP is fueled by some old think tanks.
Songs from round one to inspire us to win round two.
Inside every cartoon frog is a totalitarian screaming to get out.
As long as no one risks the league’s power or profits, the NBA can sell politics all the way to the bank.
The Clinton establishment has every interest in obscuring why they really lost in November.
The new online right draws on transgressive aesthetics to rebrand conservative politics. It’s a contradiction that won’t hold.
After months of denouncing Trump, the rich and powerful realize they could use some Donald in their life after all.
With Trump in office, we need resistance, but also a credible alternative.
We didn’t predict Trump, but we’re bound to get things right soon.