
500 Articles by: Editors

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Nursery Rhymes

The problem of age in the workplace used to tend in the other direction.


One Last Job

Many great directors lose their fastballs. But a few legends have managed to buck that trend, turning in some of their best work in their twilight years.


Fight Songs

Some of the most scathing critiques of the Iraq War were set to music.


Saddam’s Big Cinematic Spectacle

In 1980, Saddam Hussein commissioned a biopic about his 1959 assassination attempt on Iraq’s prime minister. He enlisted a legendary James Bond director and cast his own son-in-law to play him.


Desert Shooters

Some of the top-selling video games of the post-9/11 world have taken real events as their inspiration.


If the Shoe Hits

On December 14, 2008, the Iraqi journalist Muntadhar al-Zaidi threw his black leather dress shoes at President George W. Bush during a press conference in Baghdad. It was one of the greatest athletic acts of the Iraq War.
