The Fame Monster
Pop-star Lady Gaga and theorist Slavoj Žižek, who’s featured in our forthcoming summer double issue, are apparently BFFs. Which is great news for the advance of Žižek’s peculiar brand of psychoanalytic pop culture referencing and by extension Jacobin’s attempt to make counter-hegemonic inroads among teenybopper militants.
The scoop from page six of the always reliable New York Post:
Sources say Gaga and Slovenian-born Zizek — who like Salman Rushdie seems to be intellectual catnip to beautiful women and who was once married to Argentine model Analia Hounie — spent time together discussing feminism and collective human creativity. The pop star also agreed to support Zizek at a March rally in London when the lecturers’ union UCU was on strike.
In a recent blog post titled “Communism Knows No Monster,” Zizek called Gaga “my good friend” and said, “There is a certain performance of theory in her costumes, videos and even (some of) her music.” He says her infamous meat dress is a reference to “the consistent linking in the oppressive imaginary of the patriarchy of the female body and meat, of animality and the feminine.”
Perhaps the lovely Gaga will be further enticed by our friend’s web of tangled chest hair (and the crumbs sprinkled therein).