A Day Without Care
What does it mean to strike when “production” isn’t the production of widgets, but care for children, the ill, disabled, or elderly?
Issue No. 10 | Spring 2013
What does it mean to strike when “production” isn’t the production of widgets, but care for children, the ill, disabled, or elderly?
Two-state proponents argue that comprehensive peace is only possible with deeper American involvement in the process. They couldn’t be more wrong.
By organizing based on international law, the struggle for Palestinian liberation has been transformed into a question of rights.
What use is playing the long game when the arc of the universe feels so frighteningly short?
What would a national core curriculum to prepare students for work in the Age of Service look like?
It’s impossible to deny that institutionally the socialist left is in disarray.
In a leftward-moving region, the iron fist of Honduras’ Porfirio “Pepe” Lobo makes him Obama’s sort of “democrat.”
Postcolonial theory discounts the enduring value of Enlightenment universalism at its own peril.
Behind American auto’s latest PR campaign lies a bleak economic reality.
In a society ravaged by crime, radical “law-and-order” forces end up being at the root of the problem.
The Left has a checkered history when it comes to Palestine.
In resisting standardized testing, today’s teachers are part of a rich tradition of struggle against dehumanization in the workplace.
Was the mid-century dominance of southern Democrats essential to the defeat of Hitler and the triumph of American democracy?
The Oslo Accords weren’t a failure for Israel — they served as a fig leaf to consolidate and deepen its control over Palestinian life.
Without radical change, disquiet finds other outlets. Dystopic visions have replaced Shulamith Firestone and Adrienne Rich’s utopian ones.
Automation isn’t freeing us from work — it’s keeping us under capitalist control.
The Chicago teachers’ strike was a victory for workers around the country. But how do we move from homegrown resistance to a national movement that could ignite a shift in public policy?
The Oscar ceremony has finally acquired an ideal twenty-first century host in the smirking, tap-dancing, bland-faced Seth MacFarlane.
Zero Dark Thirty is a film that didn’t need to be made — it strives for realism, but ends up rehashing Bush-era tropes about the ‘war on terror.’
While some level of personal sacrifice on the part of union organizers is inevitable, that can’t justify rendering them powerless over their own workplace conditions.
The reaction to a new film about sex workers tells us more about liberal reviewers than the workers themselves.